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SQL: Select, Insert

Chapter 9:
Insert: Insert 10 records in students table and 5 records in teachers table
  1. Insert
  2. Insert all values without values keyword
  3. Insert only specific values
  4. Insert with random order
  5. Insert null values
  6. Update : update the students records
  7. Where Update with condition >>
  8. Delete: Delete the record from table
  9. Delete with condition


Insert all vales:

Insert all values without values keyword:

Insert only specific values:

Insert with random order:

Insert Null values:



Chapter 10:
Select: Display data from students and teachers table
  1. SELECT all columns with *
  2. Select specific columns
  3. Select with where condition:
  4. Select using IN
  5. Select using NOT IN
  6. Select using like
  7. Select using  NOT like
  8. Select using between
  9. Select distinct
  10. Select top
  11. Select by order
  12. Alias names


Select specific columns:

Select with where condition:

Select using IN: Determines whether a given value matches any value in a sub-query or a list.

Select using NOT IN:

Select using LIKE: Determine whether a specific character string matches a specified pattern. A pattern can include regular characters. During pattern matching, regular characters must exactly match the characters specified in the character string.

%er: It returns the value ends with the string er.

t%s: It returns the value start with t and ends with s.

[yz]%: It returns the value start with y or z.

[a-c]%: It returns the value start with in the range a to c.

[^a-x]%: It returns the value won't start with in the range a to x.

Select using NOT LIKE:

Select using BETWEEN: Specifies a range to test.


Select TOP:

Select by Order:

Select Alias Names: