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Computer Business DB, Tables, Records

Create a Database for Computer Business Company which purchase CPU and Monitor from only 3 suppliers and sale to multiple customers.

Create Computer Business Database:

Create Tables:

Table1: Party

Table2: Product

Table3: ProductDetails

Table4: Orders

Table5: OrderItem

Insert records:

Party Table:

Product Table:

ProductDetails Table:

Orders Table:

OrderItem Table:


1) Display Supplier name along with Total cost of product which purchased from each supplier.

2) Display Product name, Quantity and Total cost of product from purchased items.

3) Display Company name, Customer name, Quantity and Total cost of product from sales in between two different dates.

4) Display Product name, Quantity and Total cost of Product from sales in between two dates.

5) Display Product name, purchased quantity, sale quantity, remaining quantity.

6) Display Product ID, Product name, cost, price, profit or loss after sale.