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Queries on Company DB

Write a query to display Department ID, Department Name, Head of the Department, No of Employee in each Department.


Write a query to display ShiftID, no.of employees in each Shift.


Write a query to display average salary department wise.


Write a query to display employee list of each department where salary is less than average salary department wise.


Write a query to display all employees with ShiftID, Time, Department Name and Head Of Department Name.


Along with above query display employee monitor details, cpu details, head of cpu and head of monitor.


Create a table to display Employee attendance register details and insert values.

Display the no.of employees present and absent details in a particular date.

Display a particular employee present and absent details in a particular month.

Display a particular employee salary in a month, consider all present and absent details while paying salary.

Display a particular employee salary in between two different Dates, consider all present and absent details while paying salary.

Display a particular employee salary in between two different dates without using functions.

Display a particular employee salary in between two different dates without using nested queries. Display with single statement.